How do you feel when someone do something to you that you don’t
know, like when someone control you or someone do something that you don’t
want? I am Maddy, David’s mother and Az’s wife. I am a doctor and also I used
to be a doctor who was working for the goverment. When I learned about the
lesions, me and Az escaped from the country and we build a smoke. The death of
Az was a big loss for me, I found the cure for the lesions.
I am a doctor and I am againts to the goverment about lesions.
I am
disagreeing with the situation because I see that if somebody does something to you without your permission I think this is wrong . As I am a doctor, many years ago I took an oath which I can't break up. I can't do anything on unwilling subjects. Everyone has the right to choose or decide for him/herself.
We build this smoke because we didn't want the brain lesion. We escape from uglies and pretties villes and we came here.
''When Az showed me his result, I started investigating. The local comittee had millions of scans in it's database. Not the stuff they put in medical textbooks, but raw data from pretties all over the world. The lesions turned up everywhere''(250, Westerfield). All the uglies to pretties surgerys are not end up with the change of your appearance, they also change your frame of mind and they play with physohology. This is made by the goverment. Goverment does this because they want that their citizens think exactly the same.
Our main problem is uglies to pretties surgerys.
I am a doctor as I said before. I always want my patients to have a perfect life, as for all the people of the World. I gave an historical oath, because of that I can't do anything bad to the people. The goverment abuse our rights and we are living in a democracy. Goverment does not have the right to change our brains. We should realize that and please understand me.
Everyone should have the same rights. In our country there is inequality.
I found the cure for who turned to pretties from uglies. But I didn't tested yet. I am looking for a volunteer. Tally accepted it. Now the best thing that you can do for me and againts the goverment is not to accept the surgery to turn to pretties.